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How to make a felt Christmas wreath with a Cricut

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Easily make this charming DIY felt leaf wreath using a Cricut machine

round cutting board with felt holly leaf wreath on white brick wall

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DIY Felt Wreath

Hello, friends! Are you in the mood to make a charming Christmas wreath with felt leaves? Today I’m going to show you how easy it is with a Cricut machine.

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to receive a new Cricut maker to use and I’m so excited about all the possibilities. Thank you, Cricut! Creating beautiful things from my home has been a goal of mine for a while and this machine makes it so much easier.

I bought an Explore Air 2 a couple of years ago and didn’t even take it out of the box for months because I was scared of it, lol. But earlier this year I conquered my unnecessary fear and began using it for some simple crafts (see my other leaf project here → DIY Watercolor Sheet Music Leaves).

Now I want to make so many things. My crafty gears are spinning and I have lots of projects planned so stay tuned for those. For now, let’s see how I made this cute wreath.

wire wreath form with felt holly leaves and berries

I love felt projects, especially in the colder months, because they’re so cozy. And with the Cricut maker I was able to make these felt holly leaves shaped just like the real ones.

We have several real holly trees in our yard and I use branches from them for the holidays too, but the leaves dry out in just a few days. This felt wreath will last forever.

felt holly leaves being cut by cricut machine

Since I’m a newbie with this machine and it can be a little intimidating, I’m sharing a detailed tutorial so you know exactly how to make this felt leaf wreath even if you’re a beginner.

You can use the Maker or the Explore Air 2. I also have a short video sharing how I attached everything. And just FYI, this is my very first project with the maker and only my 3rd Cricut project ever. If I can do this, anyone can. 

Supplies Needed:

hot glue gun with felt sheets, red stripe ribbon, and roll of wire

How to Make a Felt Wreath with a Cricut machine

1. Sign into the Cricut Design Space, insert “Holly and Pine #MA404C” in the search button of the images category. Once it appears on your screen, click the image, then press “add images” button at the bottom right of the screen.

screen shot of holly leaves from cricut site

2. Once you’ve added the images, right click the image of the items and then click “ungroup”. After you do that, you can click on the individual elements and simply delete the ones you won’t be using. We’re using the holly leaves so you can delete the other items.

You can either click the red “x” for each element or right click and then click “delete”. After you delete the unused elements, click “select all” from the top of the screen, and then group the remaining elements together.

screen shot of holly leaves from cricut site

3. Next, using the arrow button on the bottom right of your leaf group, adjust the size of the leaves appropriately. Mine were about 3″ wide for each of the larger ones, and 2″ for the smaller ones.

After you adjust the sizes, group the leaves in your project and duplicate them until you have enough to cover your wreath form.

screen shot tutorial for holly leaves from cricut design space

4. After you duplicate the “group” several times, simply drag the duplicates into position until it looks like the screen shot below. Then click the green “make it” button in the top right corner.

screen shot of holly leaves in cricut design space

5. Make sure you have the right size mat and click the green “continue” button in the bottom right corner.

screen shot of holly leaves on cutting mat in cricut design space

6. Select “felt” as your material. Apply your felt to the fabric cutting mat.

screen shot of materials list in cricut design space

7. If you’re using a maker, select “edit tools” and change the blade to the rotary tool. Then add the felt to the fabric mat, secure it with the brayer, and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. I did this twice, once with the light green and once with the darker green felt.

I also cut some red circles to use as berries. For these, I did the same process as I did for the leaves, except I went into “shapes”, clicked on the circle shape, sized it accordingly, and then duplicated and cut them.

screen shot of blade options in cricut design space

It takes a while for the machine to cut all of the leaves.

felt leaves being cut by cricut maker

Once it finishes, they’re easy to remove from the mat. For my leaves, after I removed them from the mat I folded them in half lengthwise and creased them with my fingers. This gave them a little more dimension.

Note: the images I used for these leaves had a small stem on one end of each leaf. Many of the stems came off of the leaves because they were so thin, but they weren’t actually needed anyway.

felt leaves on cricut cutting mat

8. Use your hot glue gun to add the leaves to the wreath form, alternating them so they point inward and outward. After they’re all attached, add the small round red felt circles for a little more color.

felt holly leaves and wire wreath form with glue gun

9. Add a ribbon if you want, or hang it from a hook or wreath hanger and enjoy!

felt holly leaf wreath with red stripe ribbon on wood background

If you’re interested in seeing a video of how to attach the leaves, I added one to my new YouTube channel and you can view it here → How to make a felt holly leaf with a Cricut maker

felt holly leaf wreath with red stripe ribbon
felt holly leaf wreath on round cutting board
felt wreath hanging on round wooden board

DIY Felt Wreath with Cricut

Making a felt leaf wreath is so easy with a Cricut machine. You can use different colors and make it for fall or Christmas. This tutorial will provide full instructions and supplies needed for this fun and pretty felt wreath project.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Cricut Projects & Tips
Servings 1 wreath


  • Cricut Maker
  • Rotary blade
  • Fabric Grip Mat
  • Brayer
  • Hot glue gun


  • Felt
  • Wire
  • Ribbon


  • Log into Cricut design space and search for images of leaves.
  • Add the leaves you like to your project.
  • Duplicate the leaves until you have about 70 leaves total. They can be cut from whatever color felt you like.
  • Once you have the design ready, attach your felt to a fabric grip mat.
  • Cut the leaves on your Cricut machine using the rotary blade.
  • Carefully remove the leaves from the mat.
  • Make a wreath by wrapping your covered wire around a round object like a small trash can or similar size object. Twist it as you go so it will stay together.
  • Attach your felt leaves to the wire wreath using your hot glue gun.
  • Lastly, attach a ribbon to hang the wreath with.
Keyword Christmas wreath, Cricut, diy wreath, felt wreath, holly wreath, leaf wreath

So what do you think? Are you inspired to make this adorable felt holly leaf wreath now? Let me know if you do and be sure to send me a photo.

felt holly wreath with red stripe ribbon

Thanks for dropping by! Be sure to check back next week as I’ll be joining 3 separate Christmas tours with ideas for all over the house.

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