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I Need Your Vote!

I need your vote.

I was very hesitant to write this post because I hate to ask. We’re all stretched for time. But this is really simple and takes about 10 seconds, I promise. Two clicks. There’s no cost at all to you. No purchase necessary. You don’t even have to give out your email or attend a party. And no, it’s not multi-level marketing either. Can you help? 

Here’s the thing. One of our projects was noticed and featured over on the Bob Vila website in this month’s “Thumbs Up” DIY competition. To say that I’m thrilled would be a gross understatement. I may or may not have peed my pants a bit when I received that first email in late May (on my birthday, to be exact). I mean, IT’S BOB FREAKING VILA! Somebody pinch me! He’s the Godfather of home improvement! Well, he didn’t personally send me an email, but one of his peeps did and that’s good enough for me.

Here’s the featured project. It’s part of our master bathroom remodel that was done in 2012. We hired most of the remodeling work due to our extremely limited DIY skills. (I’ll be working on improving those very soon – stay tuned.) I had the carpenter do the carpentry work on this piece, but I transformed the look of it with paints, stain, and a clear finish. 

To find out more about the project go here.

What I haven’t shared with you on the blog before now is that my regular paying, part-time job ended on May 31st. It’s a bittersweet thing that I won’t get into much today, but it involved closing our family business after 38 years. I’m sad about it, of course, but unfortunately people’s shopping habits have changed and there is much more competition and it’s just really hard for mom and pop stores to stay afloat these days. It was time to shut her down. At some point I might share more about the trials and tribulations of (very) small businesses, but not today.

In other words, this email and competition came at a great time for me. 

If this project wins the competition (and it’s up against much bigger bloggers’ projects and some that have been heavily promoted already), I will receive a $250 gift card. I’m disclosing that so you’ll know that it’s not just for a feather in my cap. It’s for moolah. Full disclosure here.

But even more than the appeal of the gift card, it gives me hope that transitioning into blogging full time and earning a decent income is a real possibility for me. I do make a very small amount of income from blogging currently, but am really going to be working harder beginning in July after we’ve cleared out everything from the paint shop.

I’ll be sharing more projects, more room flips, more of everything. You have no idea how long my to do list is. And a gift card would certainly come in handy for all those projects now that my job has ended. 

Here’s the project, unstyled. We still love this vanity after 3 1/2 years of daily use.

Here’s how the piece looked before. My apologies for not having the entire piece in the shot. But you get the idea.

So can you spare a few moments and vote for our project? It would mean great deal to me.

Here’s the link ==> Thumbs Up Contest June 2015

All you need to do is 1) click the link above to go to the competition page and then 2) click on the photo with our vanity. Easy as pie. If you’ve voted after seeing the contest on Facebook or Instagram, thank you so much! You can vote again and can vote daily if you have time.

If you’re still reading, thanks so much for being interested. 

If you voted, thanks a million for showing your support. It means the world to me that you would take a little time from your day to vote! You can vote once daily per device (phone, laptop, tablet, and desktop) through June!  And if you want to show extra support, feel free to share my request. As of this writing the project is in 3rd place so a comeback win will be necessary. But…


Thanks for dropping by. Have a great day!



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For handy tips and tutorials, go here.

To see my painted projects, go here.

For tasty recipes from my kitchen, go HERE.

For some simple tips for capturing a great photo, go HERE.

Go here to learn about having an online design or color consultation.

And go here for dozens of photos, ideas and favorite paint colors.

Thanks so much for dropping by my little space on the world wide web!


  1. You go girl! You can do it!!! I was once at the very same place (different businesses, different worlds, same scary decision!) Follow your heart and your talent – and you've got talent! You will be brilliant 🙂

    Voted and shared so my peeps can vote too!

    1. Thank you so very much for those sweet words of encouragement and also for voting AND sharing! It really means a lot to me. ~ Angie

  2. Hi Angie! I voted — it is a great project and I do believe you deserve to win. I'm flagging your post as a reminder to go to the website daily and vote. I know you have lots of friends cheering you on — you can count me as one of them. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Marisa. You're always so sweet. So glad to count you as one of my friends. Have a wonderful day. ~ Angie

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