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Design Studio Progress Plus a Free Project Planner


Progress update for my design studio makeover

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Have you ever started what you thought was going to be a small to medium sized project and have it morph into something bigger? Kinda like the book “If you give a mouse a cookie”. Well, that’s how my design studio makeover is going. But it will all be worth it when I’m done. At least that’s what I’m telling myself as I try to stretch out my sore shoulder muscles today.

As a reminder, I’m working on converting my unused office/craft room into a design studio as part of the $100 room challenge, organized by Erin at Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry. Since I have a huge stash of paint and supplies plus various items that could be used for storage, I should be able to do it. 

My plan seemed simple enough…clear the clutter, paint the walls, organize the stuff, make it pretty. Sounds doable, right? Well, leave it to me to find more things that need to be done. 

The clearing of the clutter has gone well. Or more accurately, the MOVING of the clutter. Don’t visit my basement living area because that’s where all the stuff that was in the studio has been temporarily relocated. It looks like we got hit with an F5 tornado. I’m not even kidding. Why do I have so much stuff that I don’t use? I keep asking myself that question. Anyway, here’s a snap of the cleared out room:

Here’s how it look last week. Yes, I am aware that I have hoarder issues. I’m working on it….


“While the room is empty, why don’t I replace those old, mismatched, dirty ceiling tiles like I planned to do last summer?”

That’s another question I asked myself. So it’s also the first project that was added to the list. Last summer I bought ceiling tiles to replace the ones in this room, the basement hallway, bathroom, and my oldest daughter’s bedroom but haven’t finished them all. So naturally, when everything was out of the studio, it was a good time to get er done. I’m definitely glad I’m doing it but my shoulder and back muscles aren’t very happy with me at this point. I forgot how much I’m out of shape.

And on the plus side, I’m learning how to use my little portable table tabletop saw. Yay me!


“Since I’m painting the walls, why don’t I go ahead and paint the trim too? And the shelves. And the cabinets.”

I must be insane. But the color on the trim, built-in cabinets, and shelves was kind of a murky white and I wanted to paint the walls a lighter, cleaner white. The new white made the old white look dirty, so guess what? Now I’m painting over the old white. #thisprojectkeepsgrowing


“Hmmm. Should paint the ugly, utilitarian shelves while I’m at it?”

Here’s what they were full of before I started the room makeover:

I haven’t even decided whether or not to keep them in the room. They seem to encourage hoarding, obviously. 

I’m leaning towards not using them and having something that’s pretty in here instead of these monster sized ugly shelves. I can raid the hoard that’s in the garage or borrow from another room for something else to use for storage. But I don’t know for sure at this point. One step at a time. I should know by next week’s update. 

Also, I considering painting over the stenciled rug. What do you think? Leave it or paint over it?

As a wrap up (and a pat on the shoulder), here’s what I’ve gotten done in here since last week:

  • Clear the clutter out of the room
  • Replace the ceiling tiles
  • Paint the trim

And here’s what’s left to do:

  • Paint the walls
  • Paint the cabinets and drawers
  • Paint the small built-in shelves or replace with new unfinished boards
  • Decide on what to use for storage
  • Organize any supplies that come back into the room
  • Set up an area for the Cricut machine, art easel, and work table
  • Add some additional lighting with lamps
  • Add a window covering

It’s all good, though. I’ve always believed in doing a project 100% or not doing it at all. Or in this case, 150%, lol. Plus we’re talking about downsizing in a few years and everything that I’m doing in here will help with resale. So it’s a win, win situation.

Here’s a reminder of my original design plan, although it might change slightly. 

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Too see all of the details, go HERE.

Got a project you want to do? Even though plans do sometimes change (ahem) it’s definitely good to start with a plan and know your budget. I’m sharing a simple project planner printable to help you get started on your next project. Just click the button to join our subscriber list and the link to it will be sent to your inbox. Simply download it to your computer and print it as you wish.

Stay tuned for a detailed post with tips for planning your next project. 

Be sure to scroll down and see the progress on everyone else’s projects. This is an amazing group of bloggers that really knows how to make $100 look like much more. 

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  1. YAY!!! You got so much cleaned out in that space! While I realize you are continuing to add to your list of things to do, everything sounds like it'll just make this space better and better… although more work right now. Sounds like you'll need a massage after this challenge 🙂

  2. What a great room! I like the rug, I vote to leave it. And I love the colors you chose. I can't wait to see what you do this coming week!

  3. I know the feeling well. Just a few updates… Ha. Story of my life. DOn't paint floor , looks good, it'll take too much time , sanding, prep, drying time. Move on to more items.

  4. Hoarding, is that what it's called when you have too many wonderful objects that you can't part with,haha!! That's me,God should have put that in the ten commandments so we wouldn't have so much, now to get rid of it. It sounds like you are doing a very thorough job it will be a great place.

  5. Lol, oh yes, the snowball effect. I am well acquainted with it! You've made good progress. I totally get fixing the ceiling, painting the trim, etc, and so on. After all, the room is empty! If you aren't loving the rug, paint over it. But if you still like it, then for the sake of time leave it be. Can't wait to see how your room progresses. What fun (for me). LOL

  6. This project planner is genius! My husband would be so much happier if I used a planner, rather than my usual "give a mouse a cookie" approach.

  7. What a great idea to offer a printable. Everyone needs one of those. I can totally relate to the hoarding and I'm also in the position of starting to consider downsizing so now everything we do we think about how it will help resale. Looking forward to seeing your final room.

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