Patriotic Sunflowers Printable Art
Colorful sunflowers and plus a free printable.
Sunflowers and summer go together like milk and cookies. We always love having flowers in our house, especially sunflowers. They add such a summery vibe to the house when added to a pitcher or vase.
What is it about sunflowers that make them the perfect summer flower? I think maybe it’s the fact that they look like a ball of sunshine. Did you draw the sun to look a bit like a sunflower when you were a child? I did. A big circle in the middle and pointy rays coming out from all sides. Just like a sunflower!
Last summer my girls and I visited a sunflower utopia that’s about 40 minutes from our house at the Forks of the River park. It was like a dream…acres and acres of sunflowers.
There were morning glories intertwined with the sunflowers and the colors looked so pretty together!
Earlier this year I began playing around with making printable artwork and I decided to make one with sunflowers. And since the 4th of July is just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to add some little American flags to them.
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Let me know what you think. I really enjoy working on these and will create more with a fall theme soon if you like them. Just leave me a comment below. Thanks!
Beautiful print! Thanks so much for sharing it!
Beautiful sunflowers!!