Thank you for subscribing!
Before I can send you any updates and give you access to the library of subscriber goodies, you must confirm that YES, you do want to receive it. But it’s so simple!
Here’s what you need to do:
You should receive an email from me very soon. The subject line will read “Confirm your signup now…” and it will be from me – Angie @ Postcards from the Ridge ([email protected]).
2. MOVE my email if needed
If the email is in your spam or promotions folder, be sure to drag or move it from there so it doesn’t get lost in your junk mail.
3. CLICK the link
You must do this or you won’t receive any updates!! There will a confirmation link included in the email.
Simply click this and you’re ready to go!
Here’s a preview of subscriber goodies that you’ll have access to.
Hop over to your inbox in about 5 minutes to see if the confirmation email is there. Don’t forget!
Thanks again!