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The Family Room

We spend a ton of time in our family room and it seems to get hit worse than any other room in the house besides the kitchen. We have our television, computer, board games, and even my office station is tucked into the back corner of this room. It’s the hub of activity for us.  It’s also one of the things we loved about this house, even though it was dark paneling when we moved in.

A little over a year ago we bought new furniture to replace what we got when we were married 20 years ago, repainted the walls and bookcase, and got a new television and media center. We went with neutral colors on the walls (Benjamin Moore Pismo Dunes) and furniture because I wanted to be able to change out the pillows and accessories with each season and didn’t want to be limited to specific colors. Up until now I haven’t changed out anything.  It has had red and brown accents.  Over the last week I’ve added soft aquas a greens to the mix.  I added some sparkle and a fun sign, new throw pillows along with a whimsical end table and it’s a nice place to spend a Friday family night now.

I love mercury glass.  The silver pieces were part of our Christmas decor and I wanted to keep them out.  They came from Pottery Barn a couple of years ago.  The blue and green pieces came from World Market last week.  The smaller ones were 50% off (holiday items).

The wall opposite the bookcase has a little pub table and stools (from Big Lots).  We don’t use this table very often.  It seems to be a catchall for papers and “stuff” since it’s very close to our computer.  I decided to jazz it up a bit with the garden gate (Marshalls) and the silk orchids, clock and other items.  I wrote a post about finding the awesome gate here.

Here’s the view looking in from the kitchen.  Dontcha just love our “UFO” lights?  We’ve talked about changing them but haven’t found anything we like so far.  They put out a ton of light and we’re just not sure what to replace them with.

The mantel was white until Fall 2010, when I painted and glazed it.  I think it needs something else on it.  Maybe some branches in an urn or something.  Oh well.  I’ll think about that tomorrow.

The sign came from World Market.

The fun table (World Market).  I love rusted metal.  And I adore that turquoise color.
Even my husband likes this table.

The top of the table is embossed or pressed.

Another shot.  Did I say that I love this thing?

New pillows.  From World Market and Target.

Our 1960’s built-in bookcase.  It was also painted Fall 2010.  That was a 3 day project for me.  It was
brown paneling on the back wall, and the shelves and lower cabinets were painted white.  The back wall is now covered in a textured, paintable wallpaper that I painted in Benjamin Moore Aegean Teal.

We have lots of board games.  Some vintage.  I saw a neat idea from Apartment Therapy earlier this week about storing board games on bookshelves and I had to try it for myself.

I love the clock.

Since I don’t have a green thumb, but instead have a black thumb, I do much better with silk plants.

The fun table and new pillow from World Market.

The other side of the sofa has a tray from Wuslu that I set on top of a plant stand to make into a table.  The fleur de lis and candle came from Marshall’s.

So now you know where we spend our evenings and weekends in the winter months.  Since it’s Friday, we will most likely be in here tonight with the UFO lights dimmed and a movie in the dvd player.  Popcorn is optional.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. I think adding the aquas and the soft greens was a great idea! That bookshelf looks so good. I really love the mirror on top of your mantelpiece as well, and that fun side table is amazing. Something you can do with your UFO light is to change the bulb from CFL to LED. They’re much brighter and last much longer, yet use up a lot less voltage.

    1. Thanks! And that's a good idea for the lights. There are 4 bulbs in each one and it seems like one is always burning out! Thanks for stopping by. ~ Angie

  2. What a great room. I love your style and your accessories. Beautiful vignettes. Thank you so much for joining TTT. I am thrilled to meet you. Hugs, Marty

    1. I'm so glad you like it. Thanks so much for stopping by and for hosting Tabletop Tuesday! It's very nice to meet you too!

  3. I just love your fun family room Angela..thanks for sharing it..all your photos are wonderful and the table reminds me of punched tin..I have added you to my follow list and hope you do the same with mine..Welcome to blog land..you'll be a big hit here..Hugs and smiles Gloria

    1. Oh thanks! That's got to be the nicest comment that I have ever received. I just visited your blog and it's great. I've added it to my follow list. Love the bathroom remodel and laughed out loud at the Christmas letter. What a hoot! Thanks so much for stopping by.

    1. Thanks! It's a great place for movies and games. We love the space.
      Thanks for visiting.

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